
Sherborne Flicks ‘Immitation Game’

08 April 2015

Digby Hall, Digby Rd, Sherborne.

Alan Turing biopic.  During the winter of 1952, British authorities entered the home of mathematician, cryptanalyst and war hero Alan Turing to investigate a reported burglary. They instead ended up arresting Turing himself on charges of 'gross indecency', an accusation that would lead to his devastating conviction for the criminal offence of homosexuality - little did officials know, they were actually incriminating the pioneer of modern-day computing.

Based on the real-life story of Alan Turing, who is credited with cracking the German Enigma code, “The Imitation Game” portrays the nail-biting race against time undertaken by Turing and his brilliant team at Britain's top-secret code-breaking centre, Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of the Second World War.

Turing, whose contributions and genius significantly shortened the war and saved thousands of lives, was the eventual victim of an unenlightened British establishment, but his work and legacy live on.

The Imitation Game stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing and Keira Knightley as close friend and fellow code-breaker Joan Clarke with some scenes filmed locally at Sherborne School.

Tickets will cost £6 from Sherborne Tourist Information Centre and also if available on the door although popular films are often "Sold Out".

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